We are Amy & Andrew Smith, co-owners, Local Patch
This is our fourth year running our own farming business. We have lived and worked on organic family farms in Maine, managed chicken and pigs in Massachusetts and gardened while living in Boston. In the off season, Andrew works as a carpenter and Amy takes care of our two year old son, Frankie. Our market garden occupies two fields on Wapping Road where we share the land with the esteemed cows and chickens of Aquidneck Farms. We live close by in Middletown. Our passion for farming comes from our love of cooking with fresh ingredients, and knowing we're feeding our family the healthiest things. We love sharing recipes with our market shoppers and CSA members. Andrew, a native Rhode Islander and Amy, raised in Massachusetts are thrilled to put down roots here with family close by. If we ever finish our weeding, you might find Andrew surfing, Amy on her yoga mat, and Frankie playing on the beach!